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When can I stop taking azathioprine? Do not stop taking your medicine unless your doctor tells you to, even if you feel well. During the early weeks of treatment azathioprine may cause nausea and loss of appetite, rash, flu-like illness with fever, and generalised aches and pains. You may notice some hair loss while taking azathioprine.
Can nurse practitioners write prescriptions for themselves? While there may be no law specifically prohibiting a practitioner with prescriptive authority from prescribing legend drugs, such as antibiotics, to family members or oneself, unless an NP or family member is enrolled as a patient at the NP's practice setting, the NP is unlikely to be covered under a collaborative
How do you administer a salofalk enema? Guide the applicator deep into the rectum and whilst holding the bottle obliquely, squeeze slowly. Remove the applicator from the rectum when the bottle is empty. Remain lying down for at least 30 minutes to allow the enema to spread throughout the lower part of the large intestine.
Can mesalamine cause diarrhea? While allergic and nephrotoxic side effects of mesalamine are well recognized, diarrhea as a side effect of mesalamine as well as mesalamine -induced abdominal pain and fever is less recognized among most clinicians. Furthermore, this type of diarrhea is usually watery and blood-tinged rather than grossly bloody.
Can probiotics make ulcerative colitis worse? The Downside of Probiotics for Ulcerative Colitis Depending on your personal gut microbiome, which contains 10 to 100 trillion bacteria, probiotics could make symptoms worse. "Certain probiotics for certain people can also lead to more gas, more bloating, and looser stools," Hudesman says.
Scientists discovered that vulturine guineafowl live in multilevel societies reminiscent of our own. Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Louis C.K. and Nate Parker are all trying comebacks. How they fare depends on the audience and the work, among other factors. Some are preparing for a potential downturn by cutting spending and raising money earlier than planned. Just as they did before. Everything was O.K. until you wrote O.K. Japan's foreign minister plans to meet his South Korean counterpart during the Group of 20 meetings in the central city of Nagoya, he said on Friday, after Seoul decided not to end an intelligence-sharing pact with Japan.


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